Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install IDESolver?

Installing IDESolver is easy, using pip:

$ pip install idesolver

Can I pickle an IDESolver instance?

Yes, with one caveat. You’ll need to define the callables somewhere that Python can find them in the global namespace (i.e., top-level functions in a module, methods in a top-level class, etc.).

Can I parallelize IDESolver over multiple cores?

Not directly - the iterative algorithm is serial by nature. However, if you have lots of IDEs to solve, you can farm them out to individual cores using Python’s multiprocessing module (multithreading won’t provide any advantage). Here’s an example of using a multiprocessing.Pool to solve several IDEs in parallel:

import multiprocessing
import numpy as np
from idesolver import IDESolver

def run(solver):

    return solver

def c(x, y):
    return y - (.5 * x) + (1 / (1 + x)) - np.log(1 + x)

def d(x):
    return 1 / (np.log(2)) ** 2

def k(x, s):
    return x / (1 + s)

def lower_bound(x):
    return 0

def upper_bound(x):
    return 1

def f(y):
    return y

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ides = [
            x = np.linspace(0, 1, 100),
            y_0 = 0,
            c = c,
            d = d,
            k = k,
            lower_bound = lower_bound,
            upper_bound = upper_bound,
            f = f,
        for y_0 in np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    with multiprocessing.Pool(processes = 2) as pool:
        results =, ides)


Note that the callables all need to defined before the if-name-main so that they can be pickled.